The current situation and development trend of China's excavator market demand in 2021

2020-05-09 17:13:35

1. China's excavator sales rebound


According to data from the Construction Machinery Industry Association, the 25 mainframe manufacturers included in the statistics in 2020 will sell a total of 327,600 units of various excavation machinery products, a year-on-year increase of 39.00% compared to 2019. Among them, the domestic market sold 29.29 units, a year-on-year increase of 40.10% compared to 2019. The export sales volume was 3.47 units, an increase of 30.5% year-on-year compared to 2019.


In terms of product market structure, in December 2020, the sales of large excavators were 3,517 units, a year-on-year increase of 50.2%; the sales of medium-sized excavators were 7,451 units, a year-on-year increase of 120.5%; the sales of small excavators were 16,351 units, a year-on-year increase of 42 %.


According to industry statistics from the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, the 25 mainframe manufacturers included in the statistics from September 2021 have sold a total of 279,338 units of various excavation machinery products, an increase of 18.1% year-on-year. Among them, the domestic market sold 232,312 units, a year-on-year increase of 9.2%; export sales were 47,026 units, a year-on-year increase of 98.5%.


2. Excavator has a wide range of use


In most engineering constructions in our country, the earth must be excavated first. For example, in the process of infrastructure construction, it is necessary to dig out the earth and install natural gas and other pipelines before filling them. In this process, excavators need to be used to complete the excavation and landfill. Similarly, in the process of real estate construction and highway construction, it is necessary to dig out the earth first and lay a solid foundation to ensure the quality of the project.


On the whole, excavators are almost necessary construction machinery in the fields of infrastructure, transportation, road construction, real estate, mining and mining, and they are widely used.


3. Infrastructure projects promote the growth of demand for excavators


At present, my country is in a period of rapid economic development, and the demand for infrastructure, transportation, real estate and other projects is constantly increasing. Therefore, in the future, my country will need to increase efforts in engineering construction to meet the increasing population. In the process of infrastructure and road construction, a large number of excavators are required for engineering operations. Therefore, with the increase of municipal engineering and road construction in my country in the future, the demand for construction excavators in my country will also increase.


1) my country has a large number of infrastructure projects


In the future, my country will continue to increase transportation infrastructure. In the "National Comprehensive Three-Dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline", it is mentioned that by 2035, a modern and high-quality comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network will be completed and the nation's 123 travel traffic circle will be realized. In the work report of the two sessions, a targeted plan was also made for the transportation infrastructure construction project in 2021.